The White Door を攻略していきます。
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The White Door TESTページを開き
設問に答えていく。1: How satisfied are you with your life so far?
2: How do you feel in your dreams?
1つ目にチェック3: Do you like fishing?
5つ目にチェック4: Do you have a clear memory of your past life?
3つ目にチェック5: How do you feel about reincarnation?
4つ目にチェック6: What do you see when you close your eyes?
「A BLACK CUBE」7: What do you think of when imagining your future?
「ENLIGHTENMENT」8: What would be your ideal holiday destination?
「A CABIN AT A LAKE」9: Who do you see in your dreams?
「MY CORRUPTED SOUL」10: What is the past?
「Never Dead」Submit testを押すとサイトのシステムがリブートする。
- 「S」を入力
1.What is the name of your daughter?
「KIRSTEN」2. What is your secret ingredient for the beet soup?
Kirsten hoorn Instagram
The secret recipe is: vodka! ?より「vodka」3. What is the name of your dog?
Kirsten hoorn Instagram
My dad and his best friend Paco! より「Paco」4. What is your favorite painting?
「Bedroom in Arles」 (Gogh’s work:の横、白背景で文字が隠れている)5. Which tree do you like the most?
Kirsten hoorn Instagram
The answer is chestnut より「chestnut」6. What is your favorite family game called?
it's called Sjoelen より「Sjoelen」
7. What your high score with ping pong?
My father's Ping Pong high score - YouTubeより
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