
LostArticle アプリ攻略記事

脱出ゲーム: LostArticle(ロストアーティクル) 攻略記事一覧Escape: LostArticle walkthrough main


Escape: LostArticle walkthrough
怪しい箇所をタップして、キーになるアイテムを探し、閉じ込められた空間から脱出するWaveA PTE.LTD.の 脱出ゲーム
脱出ゲーム: LostArticle 攻略

脱出ゲーム: LostArticle - WaveA PTE.LTD.


Escape: LostArticle walkthrough

=== Prologue ======================= Last month, one of my colleagues was attacked by a stalker.It happened at the top floor of an apartment near the company.She was held captive in a room there.
But she managed to escape on her own and the criminal was caught too.
I called her because I was worried about her, but she said she wasn't really bothered by it.However, she did tell me that she had lost her grandmother's earrings that day.She said she had tried contacting the police, but they said they didn't find anything during their investigations."If you lost them, then it must have happened in that room. I'll find them for you."I hung up, and headed for the apartment immediately.


脱出ゲーム: LostArticle攻略まとめ

Escape: LostArticle walkthrough

-LostArticle, アプリ攻略記事