

Doors&Rooms(ドアスアンドルームズ) 攻略 The Gateway(ゲートウェイ) 7-1


Doors&Rooms walkthrough Doors&Rooms - Google Play の Android アプリ


Doors&Rooms walkthrough

Doors&Rooms The Gateway 7-1

Pick up items.

ID card

Th 1496

gem x2 on the desk ,
screw driver,
gem behind pillar.

Th 1497 1

Th 1498

Slide screen to the left ,pick up the gem.

Th 1500

Combine the ID card with screw driver.

Dismantle ID card,
look at the card number 121013.

Th 1502

Slide screen to the right ,
zoom in the panel on the desk.

Th 1503
Th 1504

Enter the code:121013.

Th 1505

Zoom in the monitor on the wall.


Th 1506

Open the inventory.
Sort the gem, count the surface of the shapes.

Th 1507

Zoom in the panel on the desk.
Enter the code:48612.

Take the card.
Th 1508
Th 1509

Zoom in the monitor.
Look at the numbers.

Th 1510

Zoom in the black light on the desk.
Put the card on the desk.

Look at the lighting positions.
Match the monitor number positions.

Pick up the card key.

Th 1511

Th 1512

Match the monitor number positions.

The code is 59837.

Th 1510 2

Go to the door on the top.
Zoom in the device next to the door.

Th 1513
Th 1515

Use the card to the device to appear the keypad.

Th 1516

Enter the code:59837.

Th 1517

Press the door to go to the Doors&Rooms next level.

Th 1518

Doors&Rooms The Gateway 7-2

Doors&Rooms walkthrough main [:]
