

Doors&Rooms(ドアスアンドルームズ) 攻略 Weird Story(ウィアードストーリー) 6-10


Doors&Rooms walkthrough Doors&Rooms - Google Play の Android アプリ


Doors&Rooms walkthrough

Doors&Rooms Weird Story 6-10

Drag the screen to the right.

Zoom in the white monitor.

Th 2297

Press the brightness button until the password appear.
Password is "3852".

Th 2298

Th 2299

Zoom in the tube device.

Th 2300

Enter the code:3852.
Pickup the film.

Th 2301

Pick up the hammer and gun.

Th 2300 1

Zoom in the left shelf.

Th 2303

Combine the hammer with gun.

Th 2304

Dismantle the hammer + gun to get the red gem.

Th 2305

Put red gem on the shelf.

Th 2306

Zoom in the device near the shelf.

Th 2307

Put the film on the device.

Th 2308
Th 2309

Combine the light to make the number.

Red+ green=3
Red + blue=5
Green + blue=6

Th 2310Th 2312Th 2313

Zoom in the right picture.

Th 2314


Th 2315

Zoom in the device near the door.

Th 2316

Color order add .

Th 2317

Press the key 4371562.

Th 2318

Press the door to open it.

Th 2319

Doors&Rooms walkthrough main [:]
